As a strong and flexible business corporation, the Seppeler Group operates in the areas of corrosion protection, container technology, and grating manufacturing. Twelve operational independent companies concentrate on different technological speciality areas, whose utilizations function both by themselves but, also in combination with eact other. This structure makes quick reactions and a wide and specialised range of services possible.



The equally market and future-orientated direction of the Seppeler Group finds its true expression in our motto "Seppeler – we make it work”. “We make it work” is our commitment, in all our areas of business as productive service providers, to give each of our customers an individual and special service. “We make it work” is our message, directed outwards as well as inwards, to show the expectations we ourselves place on our work.

Our membership in Seppeler GROUP make sure that our products are very high quality. We work in cooperation with the other members of the Seppeler Group in Poland: "Ocynkownia Śląsk" w Chrzanowie and "Zakład Kluczbork".

Ocynkownia Śląsk Sp. z o.o.
ul. Kroczymiech 38
32-500 Chrzanów
tel +48 32 649 70 00
fax +48 32 649 70 02

Zakład Kluczbork
ul. Przemysłowa 4
46-200 Kluczbork (Ligota Dolna)
tel +48 77 417 17 76
fax +48 77 417 17 77

Ocynkownia Częstochowa
ul. W.Korfantego 29
42-217 Częstochowa
tel +48 34 367 60 00
fax +48 34 367 60 12